How did you get into stand-up comedy?
Literally walked into an open mic night and gave it a try.. I figured it would be easy… it wasn’t.
Where do you get your inspiration for your material?
I’ve lived a very colourful life so I don’t have to look far to find material, in fact some of the experiences I’ve had are so crazy I don’t talk about them onstage because nobody would believe me.
How do you deal with hecklers or a tough audience?
With the charm and empathy of a despotic dictator.
What is the funniest or most memorable moment you've had on stage?
There have been several but I think one I’ll never forget was a gig where the mc accidentally set himself on fire.
What's been the highlight of your career as a stand-up comedian so far?
Oh literally have had so many but I think my favourite is my children going to the cinema and then seeing my pop up doing stand up in an advert before the movie started.
Do you already have an impression of Switzerland and the Swiss, if so what is it?
Nicest gun toting people you could possibly meet.
If you had to choose a favourite city, Zurich or Basel?
Haven’t been to either so I couldn’t possibly say
How do you see more of Nabil Abdulrashid?
Come see him headline our show at "The Big Comedy Kiss with Nabil Abdulrashid" on the 21st of April in Basel.

Can't make it?
Check him out on his website for more dates and shows here: Nabil Abdulrashid.