Your support is a blessing
First of all, I must say I feel blessed that so many of you register for the newsletter (Circa 1800), that so many of you open it (averages around 60%) and finally that so many of you took time to answer our feedback survey (53 respondants). Not only does this show your enthusiasm for Comedy Kiss but it supports us so much in growing and improving what we do.

As promised five pairs of free tickets were given away to five randomly selected entrants. If you've won free tickets, you would have received an email.
Further payback will come simply in the form of better shows.
How did you rate the events?
49.1% rated the shows are excellent, 39.6% rated them as very good and not a single person shared a negative experience.
One top of that 54.7% rated the events as extremely good value for money. We had only one person in the survey who seemingly has not yet adjusted to Swiss prices.
Some of the common things you liked were:
The host
The quality of acts
The variety of the acts
The venue
The atmosphere
A good laugh
Some of the things we can improve on:
Seating at Photobastei
The slow service at the bar
Nothing (that's cute but I don't believe you)
What comedians do you want to see?
Well, it seems female comedians have a very slight advantage over male ones. Fortunately we've just had Helen Bauer headline and two out of three next headliners are also female. Go Matriachy!
Otherwise you were very clear that you don't want to see Professional Swiss comedians, though I must admit that Charles Nguela nailed it at the last show. The audience were in stitches.
You do however have more of an open heart for those expat comedians. We did receive a few comments about the occassional one struggling to be funny. I must admit that this can happen. Everyone who gets invited has proven they can be funny on a smaller stage but sometimes the pressure of the bigger stage and all your expectant faces is too much for our local and expat amateur comics. I however think it's important for us to give them the chance to perform at this level alongside their comedy heroes, because it's the only way we end up with people like Jack Roberts, Christian Braeker and Chris Darwa who have all done amazing performances at our recent shows.
But above all, the people you want to see are UK comedians. You've been heard loud and clearly! I'm in contact with some female British comedians who you specifically voted very highly for. Keep an eye on the website for when details are announced. And if you don't know her, check out May's show with Luisa Omielan, she's British, female and the only comedian ever to win a BAFTA award.
What else did we learn?
The shows are the right length, there is consensus on when they should take place and you're very ambivalent about adding a buffet style dinner to the event. And you seemingly love a chance to win free tickets, so we'll start doing that more often.
Thank you once more
We'll look forward to creating even better shows and bringing even more laughter to Switzerland. I'll look forward to seeing you at the events soon.
Join our next show
OK the headliner is not a woman, but he is British, an absolute comedy genius and we've got Bronwyn Sweeney opening and bringing that extra X chromosome. "The Big Comedy Kiss with Glenn Moore" will take place on the 27th in Zurich and 28th April in Basel.

Can't make it?
Check him out Glenn here on YouTube.